Brief History of Mesothelioma Asbestos has been in use for millennia. The earliest known uses go back nearly 4,500 years to ancient Finland, where anthophyllite – a particular form of asbestos – was mixed with clay to protect pots and utensils from the flames of cooking fires. Even the name “asbestos” comes from an ancient Greek word meaning “inextinguishable,” due to the mineral’s fire-resistant properties. Despite the long history of asbestos, however, it is only relatively recently that the naturally occurring mineral has become the subject of legal actions. In fact, before asbestos was scientifically linked to the deadly cancer mesothelioma , it was used widely with few legal repercussions whatsoever. Bringing Asbestos Before the Courts (1920s – 1930s) Ironically, asbestos was already in the courts long before it was ever brought before the courts. That is to say, asbestos was used ubiquitously to make construction materials that were used in building courthouses, l